Борис Войцеховский Что значит «пукать»?

Boris Voytzehovkiy
What Does “Farting” Mean?
From the book Everybody Does This
Translation by Elizaveta Lyons

There are gases inside every one of us!
Where do they come from? Some of the gases are swallowed with air, while eating. Others are formed during digestion of food in the stomach. But that’s not all! Bacteria live in our intestines. They also produce gases. When there are too many gases, they burst outside.
At this moment, a person…farts.

If a person does not fart, he will pop. Like this: boom!
Excess gases must leave the body through the large intestine. This is a natural and even vital process.

Sometimes gases burst outside with a loud sound.
Like this: Brrrrrt!
Or: Tsssss!
Or: Poot- toot- toot!
Or: Bah- bah- bah!
That sound is created in our large intestine, and its volume and pitch depends on how much pressure the gases create.

But did you know that there are flatulists among musicians? This is a very rare profession. In ancient Greece, medieval Ireland, Japan, and the USA, they came on stage to skillfully fart different melodies. French flatulist Le Petomane could even imitate the sounds of a flute, cannon fire, and thunder with his farts. That explains why the prince of Wales and the king of Belgium Leopold II went to his performances.

Even after death, a person keeps passing gas for a few hours. That is quite sad. Because in this case he can’t apologize and open a window.
But there is good news too. Every living person emits enough gases daily to fill up a balloon in a week. If everyone would actually do that, the world would become a better place.

In Russia farting is considered inappropriate. And many are embarassed of their farts. Do you feel the same way?
Комментарий члена жюри: Марина Темкина
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