Надувные Юлия Симбирская

I had noticed the crocodile long ago. He was lying in a kiosk where inflatable toys were sold, and watched us with his half-closed yellow eyes. Sometimes, the seller wearing a red bandana with a skull on it would sit on the crocodile. Was he a pirate? But that’s not what I’m going to talk about.

There were a hundred inflatable toys in the pirate’s kiosk. To be honest, I didn’t actually know how many there were because I didn’t count them. But a hundred is a lot, and the kiosk was piled to the roof with the toys. Some toys were bought every day and taken swimming by their new owners. The pirate replaced them with new ones, inflated with a special pump. Butterflies, rings, daisies, dolphins, sharks, turtles, and boats all found owners, but the crocodile was lying in the kiosk and nobody wanted him. But he was such a great crocodile! Green! I would understand if he was blue or orange. And his smile was not at all evil, but kind hearted. I imagined how wonderful it would be to wrap my arms and legs around him and swim. And you know how much crocodiles like water! I definitely know. It was so unfair that three land-dwelling ladybugs were splashing in the waves, and the crocodile was lying on the shore. And the pirate never took him for a swim, but he could have.

So, I was circling the crocodile until the pirate asked me:
-Hey kid, what do you want?
Then I pulled myself together and asked him:
-Is that your only crocodile?
-The only one.
-Can I see him a bit closer? -I asked him unsurely.
-Go ahead, -smiled the pirate

I sat on the crocodile, tickled his rubber crocodile nose, and pet his smooth back. He looked at me and I felt that he really wanted to be mine. And I told my mom that I don’t swim with inflatable toys. But there was no way I could leave him there. I firmly decided that I will rescue him. Since nobody is buying him, I will. And I will convince my mom.
-How much is the crocodile?- I firmly asked and hiccuped.

The pirate turned around while inflating a snail with the pump.
-He doesn’t cost anything. Bubba’s not for sale.
-Why? Hiccup.
-He’s a friend.
Комментарий члена жюри: Энсли Морс (Ainsley Morse)
where is the original?
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