
Цирк! Цирк! Цирк!

Circus! Circus! Circus!
Based on a book “Vladimir Durov”
Ancient Romans invented circus. The world “circus” in Ancient Roman means “circle”, and everything is round in a circus.
The circus – is a whole world.
The dome - is like the sky. Under the dome, trapezes are hung up and rope ladders for gymnasts.
The arena - is like the Earth. Here are people and animals mixed up together.
Romans pour sand on the arena. The world “sand” in their language is “arena”, and that it is.
People sometimes call the arena the circus playpen. The meaning of the world “manege” came from the times, when only horses and riders performed in the circus. Most of the circus performance takes place on the manege. Today, the floor of the manege is made out of rubber. It is steady and smooth.
The manege is divided from auditorium by a barrier. Trained dogs and monkeys can run on the barrier. Sometimes, horses put their front legs onto the barrier and take a bow to the audience. The circular rows around the arena are called the amphitheater. The audience sit there. They watch at the performance and eat ice cream.
Комментарий члена жюри: Марина Темкина
Good job, Nina! Ancient Roman is Latin, isn't it? Thank you.
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