

Однажды слонёнок встретил кузнечика. «Какой он прыгучий», – подумал слонёнок и тоже попытался подпрыгнуть.
– У тебя совсем не прыгучие ноги, – сказал кузнечик и скрылся в траве.
Слонёнок загрустил и пошёл к маме.
– Не горюй, - утешила его слониха, – ты не умеешь прыгать, зато громко топаешь, а это куда важнее.
– А зачем слонам громко топать?
– Ты топаешь, земля дрожит, а бабушка с дедушкой на другом конце саванны слышат, что ты бежишь в гости, и готовят угощение.
Слонёнок посмотрел на свои крепкие ножки-столбики и отстучал бабушке с дедушкой сообщение: «ПРИВЕТ!»
Перевод текста на английский язык
Once upon a time a baby elephant met a grasshopper. “He is so bouncy,” thought the baby elephant, and tried to jump like the grasshopper did. “You have no bouncy legs at all,” said the grasshopper and disappeared into the grass. Sad, the baby elephant went to his mother. “don't be sad,” his mother said calmly, “you can't jump high, but you can stomp very loudly, and that is far more important,” “Why do elephants need to stomp really loudly?” “You stomp, the earth shakes, and your grandma and grandpa, on the other end of the savannah hear, that you are running to visit them and start making treats. The little elephant looked at his mighty pillar-like feet and stomped out a message: ‘hello.’
Комментарий члена жюри: Нора Селигман Фаворов (Nora Seligman Favorov)
Nice job Grisha! Everything reads very well, and "bouncy legs" is cute, although that phrase would probably be better translated as "Your legs are no good for bouncing (or jumping)" or "You're legs aren't at all bouncy." A lot of people who learn English after Russian have trouble with English commas and make mistakes like you did, putting a comma in English when there's the mandatory comma before что. This is usually wrong in English, so no comma after "the other end of the savannah hear." But overall, I really liked your translation. Keep reading in Russian and English!
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