
Царь Зверей

King of beasts
Once upon a time the toys from the stuffed toy department decided to choose a king. They all instantly agreed that the king should be a lion. But which one? The problem was that there were three lions in the department: first-really big, second-really loud and the third-small and quiet.
-Let’s make the big lion our king!-said the ancient turtle, which appeared in the department in the last century.-everyone will be afraid of him: the reptiles, metal dudes and robo-transformers.
That's how the big lion became the king. He immediately pushed two elephants and three monkeys of the top shelf (the best one), climbed on top of it and kinged there with all his amazingness. The rest of the animals crowded on the ground. They kneeled before the lion and thought “now that's a king!”
Suddenly someone bought the king! The buyers name was Senya. He was six years old, and really short. He wouldn't have ever seen the lion if he hadn't climbed so high and wasn’t that huge and amazing.
-We lost our king!-said the ancient turtle.-but let's not be sad about it! Life is continuing! Let’s have the loud lion as our king!
Everyone agreed because they really wanted to have a king.
The loud lion roared really loudly:
R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-it was so loud that not only did the stuffed animals get quiet but so did the reptiles, metal dudes and robo-transformers. Even the toy guns stopped shooting and the tanks stopped humming. Two cashiers went unconscious and in the manager's office the table shocked.
The stuffed animals looked at the lion and thought: ”Now that’s a king!”
Right at that moment a Vasya walked into the store. He had headphones in his ears which were connected to a player. But he immediately heard the lion since he was really loud! Vasya of course bought the lion. He loved everything loud.
Poor animals! For a long time they couldn't calm down. Most cried but water is bad for their health. So the ancient turtle said:
-don't cry stuffed animals, we have another lion. He may be small and quiet but he's a lion.
That's how the small and quiet lion became the king of the animals. He was also really shy. He never jumped out from behind the backs of the elephants and hippos. The customers didn't notice him, and he kinged and kinged in the department of stuffed animals. He's a king there right now. Why do you think the animals behave, don't fight don't have a war with the robots? Because they know that somewhere there's a king unnoticed and quiet…
But if one of you finds the small and quiet lion, and buys him the lion will be really happy. It's good to be a king but it's better to be someone’s favourite toy. Don’t worry about the stuffed animals. They will be receiving a shipment of some lions- seven or maybe even eight!
Комментарий члена жюри: Сибелан Форрестер
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