
Станислав Востоков "Зуб"

From a book “Trees makes the wind” by Stanislav Vostokov
The tooth
Today’s morning I felt a loose front tooth. I was SO scared! On my way to preschool, I couldn’t stop touching it! When I said to peers that my tooth was wiggling, everyone wanted to watch it immediately and took turns to wiggle it, until it started dangling like it was on a lint.
Julia said: - Maybe you got dangerously sick, my mom says, there is a type of dangerous disease, which makes all of your teeth fall out.
After that came tardy Losev.
When he knew that a have a loose tooth, he also tried to wiggle it. Losev put his hand into my mouth and pulled it out so hard, that my tooth jumped out right away.
- Don’t worry, – said Losev, - we will nail it back right now, give me something very heavy!

Then Mary run straight to the teacher and shouted to her with fear, that I’m dripping out my teeth.
- That’s ok, - answered Vera Alexandrovna, – by the age of ten, you will lost all of them.
- How is that? - I shocked, - How will I eat?
- You will develop new teeth, for your whole life, - and those are your milky teeth.
- Got it! Now it is clear, why they are so skim!
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