
Божьи Коровки

“Musya, what is your favorite animal?”
“The ladybug, of course! Isn't it obvious?”
Of course it's obvious! Even on Musya’s swimsuit, there are ladybugs, twelve of them. Musya went to the beach with her mom and dad to teach her ladybugs how to swim. At first, they were afraid of the waves and it didn't go well. But soon they learned, all twelve of them. And in a week, it was impossible to drag them out of the water, and Musya too.
At last, it was time to leave. Musya was packing her things into her suitcase, when she realized that the ladybugs were gone! All twelve of them! The swimsuit was still there, but the ladybugs disappeared!
“Oh no,” said mom. “Did I really wash it that badly?”
But Musya had a different idea about what happened. So, she didn’t even cry.
They sat in the airport for a long time; the flight was delayed. Musya pressed her nose against the glass and saw why. A red snake slithered across the landing field and all of the airplanes waited for it to pass. When the snake came closer, Musya saw that it was actually a chain of twelve ladybugs, crawling in a row. They hurried across the landing field and caught up with Musya’s family only on the stairs to the plane. Musya unzipped her suitcase slightly and the ladybugs darted in at once.
Needless to say, at home, all twelve ladybugs were back in their places, on Musya’s swimsuit. But, they looked a bit embarrassed. They wanted to swim in the ocean again so badly, they almost missed their flight!
“Fine,” Musya sighed, “all right. I guess we’ll have to sign up for the pool!”
Комментарий члена жюри: Элисон Прайс-Ром (Alison Price-Rom)
Wonderful, almost flawless translation.
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