
Анастасия Орлова. В магазине

At the shop
By Anastasia Orlova

Once, my grandma and I went to the shop. I was walking in front of my grandma as I was big and brave.

There were lots of different departments in the store: fruits, cucumbers, biscuits, candies, eggs, sausages, tea and people, people, people...

At same point I looked around, but grandma was not there!

-Grandma, I'm here! I shouted so loud that I could go deaf.

I kept on running instead of standing there and waiting.

-Grandma, I'm here! I shouted even louder and ran even faster.

-Grandma, I'm h...e-e-e...ere! I cried and finally stopped running.

Then grandma caught me up and rescued me. In fact, she was running behind me all the time. She couldn't catch me up, because I was big and my legs ran fast.
Анастасия Орлова
«В магазине»

Как-то раз мы с бабушкой пошли в магазин.
Я, большой и смелый, иду впереди.
Много-много разных отделов в магазине: и фрукты, и огурцы всякие, печенье, конфеты, яйца, колбаса, чай, и люди, люди, люди.
Оглянулся – а бабушки нет!
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