
Каша Коля

“Kolya” Porridge
by Arthur Givargizov
To make a real “Hercules”, you have to add 120 grams (6.5 tablespoons) of coconut (or any other) shavings to a teaspoon of oatmeal. Sugar (or any other) powder – to taste. Ingri… in-grin… ingri-di-en-ts have to be mixed in a cup, put into boiling water and be cooked, while being mixed for ten minutes.
This porridge was named after a hero – “Hercules”. After three plates, he defeated a Nemean lion.
– How is it? – asked dad.
– Amazing thing! – Kolya nodded. – Put me some more.
– Good, – dad praised. – Sportsmen are fed this porridge every day. And soldiers as well. And on trips, when you have a heavy bag…
– Dad, wait, I need to concentrate. I think that I can do three pull-ups.
Kolya went to the bar and pulled himself up almost three times.
– Strength! – dad nodded.
– Yes, – agreed Kolya. – I never pulled myself up three times in life. Put me some more.
Kolya ate one more plate of “Hercules”, went to the bar and did almost one hundred pull-ups.
– More! – asked Kolya.
After four hours, Kolya pushll-up about a thousand times. He could hang on the bar all day long.
And the porridge was renamed. Now it is called “Kolya”.
In addition, in the school museum there is a sculpture called “Kolya” (a plaster copy).
Translated by Stanislav Katselapov
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