

Second level
English translation:
Stanislav Vostokov
Extract from «Wind makes trees»
This morning, one of my front teeth was feeling a bit wobbly. I was terrified! On the way to kinder, I kept feeling it, feeling it with my tongue, and I just couldn’t stop.
When I told the group that I had a wobbly tooth, everyone wanted to look at it at once, and one by one, they each had a turn wobbling it, before it started wobbling as if it was hanging on a thin piece of thread.
- Julie said,
“You probably fell ill with something dangerous. My mum says that there is this type of really dangerous illness, from which your teeth fall out”.
Then came Leo, who was always late.
When he was informed that I had a wobbly tooth, he also wanted to wobble it.
Leo shoved his hand into my mouth, and pulled on the tooth with so much force, that it flew out instantly.
“Don’t worry”, said Leo, “We will just stick it right back in there, pass me something heavy”.
At that moment, Maria ran to the kinder teacher and reported to her with terror, that teeth were falling out of me.
Ms Alexandra said, “This is all normal, by the time you’re 10 they will all fall out”.
“What do you mean all?” I said with terror, “What are we going to eat with?”
“Well, new ones will come through, permanent ones, the teeth you have now are baby ones”.
Leo nodded,
“Now it makes sense why they are all so soft”.
Number of characters: 1,093
Комментарий члена жюри: Галина Лазарева
Хороший перевод. Too much wobbling. Повторять слово в художественном тексте нужно только для усиления эффекта: в остальных случаях следует искать синонимы. Проблема с пунктуацией (запятые) reported to her with terror, that teeth were falling out of me - не работает на английском, нельзя так линейно, надо перекраивать фразы. Хорошее решение для игры слов в последней фразе.
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