

Hide and Seek
One time, I played hide and seek with my brother. Finding him was easy. He would hide and yell, “Find me!” I hid under the bed, my brother – behind the couch. Me- in the cupboard, Tyoma – behind the door. Me – behind the curtains, Tyoma – under the table.
Then, I hid in the bathroom. I was sitting in the darkness, silent. I was giggling with joy. I was huddled up next to the washing machine.
‘Well,’ I think, ‘It was such a good idea to hide in the bathroom. No matter what, he won’t find me!’ And, once again, I muffled my giggles so I didn’t give out where I was hiding.
But Tyoma couldn’t find me. I was already bored of sitting in the darkness alone. My leg was starting to ache, like I was stepping into pins and needles, all because of crouching, but Tyoma still couldn’t find me!
Then mum came into the bathroom. She forgot to turn the light on, and in the dark, she stepped on my foot! I screamed and mum almost fainted. She never heard of screaming washing machines.
My brother forgot that we were playing hide and seek and started building a tower out of bricks long ago.
Комментарий члена жюри: Галина Лазарева
Отличный перевод. Только в последней фразе я бы добавила что-то вводное (as to my brother, he forgot or And it turned out my brother simply forgot - or just And my brother - he forgot), чтобы она выглядела как завершение текста.
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